Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Reason 2

Franklin D. Roosevelt was the greatest American because how he handles World War one. When the European stock market crashed many look for support and guidance from Adolf Hitler, and the Nazi party. Hitler was elected power by the German people.Hitler's ideas of fixing the fallen economy by taking over the Europe countries.Hitler had invaded Poland on September 1,1939 which started World War one.1940 the beginning of Roosevelt's third term he did everything with in his power to help the Europeans fight off Hitler and his army.Roosevelt meet with the Prime Minister to disused a possible, United Nations, the current types between the two countries, and the Lean-Lease Act. The Lean-Lease allowed the United States to help Europe with out personally being in the war. While the relationship between Japan got worse.December 7,1941 Pearl Harbor was under attack by the Japanese. Roosevelt managed the war by making sure the factories were making enough supplies for the United States soliders.

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